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+91 9769766306
We at CRYSTALS have a specialize team for our service related requirement. Our service engineers and technicians are well experienced with more than adequate knowledge in mechanical, pneumatic, electrical and control panel related requirement. We provide various types of service to suit our customer’s requirement.

Spare Parts
We are committed to our customer to provide top quality spare parts and services. With two manufacturing units in Maharashtra, India, we are always equipped with the right spares for your shot blasting needs, whatever may be the industry you are into.

One Time Maintenance
One Time service include two visit, where-in our technician will visit and do all the maintenance required for the proper working of the machine. It also includes solving any particular problem in the machine or normal maintenance work. Alone with the service our technicians will analyze the machine and a detail report of the machine will be submitted to the customer within few days. Suggesting recommendation/urgent replacement or faults in machine. After the initial service and analysis our technician will visit within 10 days to re-examine the machine to confirm proper maintenance work.

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
We take up annual maintenance of machine. Where in our technician will visit our customer weekly/bi-weekly/or as finalized, to do the maintenance work. We enter into a contract with the customer, taking up the guarantee of the machine and assisting within 6 to 10 hours depending on the location, in case of an emergency or breakdown. We only take up AMC if our customer agrees into installing spares manufactured by CRYSTALS.

Reconditioning of Shot Blasting Machine
We take as us reconditioning of old shot blasting machines. Reconditioning normal includes re-lining of the cabinet with rubber or manganese plate, changing the wheel assembly, replacing the screw conveyor and elevator parts, cleaning of the dust collector duct, replacement of dust bag, body patch work etc. Our main target in re-conditioning the machine is to bring out better performance from the machine and to increase the life of the equipment rather than opting for a new machine/equipment.

Modification of Shot Blasting Machine
We at CRYSTALS under-take modification of existing shot blasting machine. Modification implies changing/up-grading the blaster assembly, modifying the cabinet, implementing new loading and unloading mechanism, improving the capacity of the machine, Increasing the Line-speed / production output of the machine, retrofitting etc.
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